Tuesday 14 August at 2 pm – Tim Johnson
held an excellent portrait workshop for the many members who attended. He was
very patient with our efforts and gave us valuable advice, as well as helpful
Wednesday 22 August at 7 pm – The Hugh
Murdoch trophy was won by John Strickland with his gorgeous ostriches. John also came second with three geese,
and Cindy won third place with her beautifully painted watering cans. Well done
to both of you. We did have a
rather disappointing turnout this year but it was good to see a couple of our
newer members bringing some very good work along.
Tuesday 11 September at 2 pm – Hans Zwets gave
us a demonstration on how to make beautiful paper flowers, and helped those who
came to the workshop to make one themselves. Great fun (as well as a sticky finger or two) was had by
Tuesday 18 September at 9.30 am – paint out
to the Alpaca and Ostrich farm in Noordhoek. The farm is called Ohio and is on
the right just past the Noordhoek farm village. Meet at the gate. Please
contact John Strickland on 021 782-7337 for more information.
Wednesday 26 September at 7 pm – to round
off the portrait talk and workshop a DVD - Rolf Harris’ Star Portraits - will
be shown. For those interested in portraiture it is fascinating to see how
differently the three artists in the film view their subject, and a lot can be
learnt by watching their various techniques and approaches.
Tuesday 9 October at 2 pm – Mavis Foale
will be giving a workshop on a silver and black technique. Please come along and learn a new
Tuesday 16 October at 9.30 am – A paint out
at Kirstenbosch Gardens (free entry for senior citizens). Cindy is at present negotiating on our
behalf to allow us to take easels with us.
Wednesday 24 October at 7.00 pm
To be announced at the beginning of
Tuesday 13 November at 2 pm – A workshop to
be given by well known artist and author Paul Andrew. Paul practiced as an architect until 1993 when he turned to
full time water colour painting. He has had two extremely successful one-man
exhibitions a year since then at Constantia Village Studios, in February and
September each year. He has also exhibited in London in 1995 and Nieu Bethesda
in 1996. Paul is expert at developing different new watercolour techniques for
particular landscapes' texture and form. This one is a must.
Tuesday 20 November at 9.30 am – paint out
at the Clovelly Country Club.
Please meet at the entrance.
Wednesday 28 November at 7 pm
Seascapes, Boats, and Landscapes (please
note the change);
Flowers/still life;
Animals/birds/wild life;
*The RMS defines miniature solely by
technique. At present the size limit is 6x 4½ inches – 15½ x 11½ cm inclusive of framing. Scale is limited
to 2 inches (5 cm) or less for human heads or single objects. The Society's
Aims are to Esteem, Protect and Practice the traditional 16th Century art of miniature painting
emphasizing the infinite patience needed for its fine techniques. Image size
not to exceed 25 square inches.
Miniature Sculptures may not exceed 8
inches in any dimension including the base.
Up to three paintings per category per
member – any medium
Paintings to be brought to the Hall between
6.30 and 7 pm
Work does not have to be framed but must be
Please cover up the signature on your work
Please bring a small plate of snacks with
We will be serving wine, beer and fruit
juice as well as tea/coffee.
We have submitted an article about the
Society (and a couple of recent photos) for publication in the new art magazine
S A Artist. It will be in the Oct/November issue so please keep a look out for
To diarise:
Workshops – The second Tuesday afternoon of the month at 2 pm. Unless
told otherwise, please supply your own materials and paints, etc.
Paint-outs – The third Tuesday morning of the month at 9.30 am
Evening Meetings – The 4th Wednesday of the month. These meetings are held at
7pm unless otherwise indicated in the newsletter.
Workshops and monthly meetings are now
being held in the
Nerina Gardens Hall – Recreation Road –
Fish Hoek
To end:
There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it.
There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it.