A very happy New Year to you all.
Another exciting art year is ahead and we hope that everyone is rested and enthused to draw, paint and generally enjoy being creative.
Another exciting art year is ahead and we hope that everyone is rested and enthused to draw, paint and generally enjoy being creative.
Unfortunately the paint-out at the Alpaca
farm had to be cancelled due to inclement weather. Hopefully the weather in March will be more favourable.
As reported in a mini newsletter sent out
during December, the Alma Byng trophy evening was well attended and some very
interesting works submitted.
Events for the coming months – please
diarise them and make every effort to support them. We are privileged to have
such vibrant and interesting speakers giving their time so generously for us.
If anyone has suggestions for workshops or evening meetings please let us know.
23 January at 7 pm
The first part of a film dramatizing the
life of the Impressionists will be shown.
This is an excellent film and not to be missed. The second half will be shown after the
AGM on the 27th of February.
12 February at 2 pm
We are very excited to tell you that internationally well-known artist and author Hazel Soan will be doing a
workshop and talk on colour for us.
We are extremely lucky to have such a wonderful artist to speak to us,
and we hope that you will make this a date circled in red in your diaries.
19 February at 9.30 am
Paint-out. Meet outside the Galley Restaurant on Fish Hoek beach. There
are many exciting views and objects to paint on the beach and walkway, and the
galley is a good place to have a cup of coffee or lunch afterwards.
Inspirational views: look forward to seeing you there!
know that many people don’t enjoy these meetings but they are very
important. It gives you, the
member, a chance to choose the incoming committee, and more importantly to air
your views and to give suggestions for demos and evening meetings. We will be showing the second half of
the Impressionists film after the meeting so that will be something to look
forward to.
19 March – 9.30 am
Paint-out. We will again make arrangements for a morning at the Alpaca
farm in Noordhoek. Third time lucky !
We are waiting confirmation from artists
willing to run a workshop and do a demo during March and we will keep you
We appeal to you to please pay your subs
before the end of January. The Society needs funds to run efficiently.
We would like to wish our President John
Strickland a quick recovery after his knee replacement. Knowing John he will be
running around in no time at all.
To diarise:
Workshops – The second Tuesday afternoon of
the month at 2 pm. Unless told otherwise, please supply your own materials and
paints, etc.
Paint-outs –The third Tuesday morning of
the month at 9.30 am
Evening Meetings – The 4th Wednesday of the
month. These meetings are held at 7pm unless otherwise indicated in the
Workshops and monthly meetings are held at
Nerina Gardens Hall, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek