Friday, 29 November 2013

Good turnout and fine work for the annual Alma Byng

Winners of the Alma Byng categories
Landscapes                                                               Tim Johnson
Townscape or buildings                                               Clive Tyler                                                
People portraits life studies and groups                        Franziska Bichlmeier
Seascapes, boats and harbours                                  Tim Johnson
Interiors                                                                     Lorraine England                                 
Still life, flowers and botanical studies                          Suzette Duby
Animal life, Wild Life                                                   John Strickland
Abstract and experimental                                           Betty Salmon
Miniatures                                                                  Clive Tyler
Sculpture and Digital       
As there was only one work in each of these categories the judge decided against awarding certificates.    


Franziska Bichlmeier and her winning portrait.

Not only the winner of the land and seascape category, Tim Johnson also bagged the Alma Byng Trophy. Here is holds his seascape of boats, and accepts the Trophy.

Tim Johnson – the overall Alma Byng winner 2013

Held up for all to see... 90 year old Betty Salmon wins the best abstract - Alma Byng 2013

Many thanks go to Di Breeze who one again produced the beautiful awards in her fine freehand calligraphy.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Alma Byng Trophy and the end of the year events

To make sure that we have a really good Alma Byng evening please read through the notes below.

Just a reminder that John Strickland will be giving a workshop on painting clouds wet-in-wet method on Tuesday 12th of November at 2 pm. If you struggle with painting realistic clouds then this is the workshop for you.  For the experienced artist you might be interested in John’s innovative way of painting clouds.

The paint-out will be on Tuesday morning 9.30 on the 19th of November.  The venue is Eastlake Island Marina da Gama.  Please phone Alex Johnston on 021 788-2244 for details. Those who are interested in painting out in such a lovely venue could get together and go in one or two cars.


Dawn Schrock, who runs Rhodes Cottage in Muizenberg, has asked if some of our members’ paintings could be hung there.  If you are interested please contact Dawn for more details on 021 785-7194

General Rules for all competitions
1          Works presented must be original and not have been on exhibition before.
2          If a painting is indebted to the work of another artist, suitable credit must be given and there should be sufficient evidence of creativity in the new work for it to be judged in its own right as an original.  A Photograph owned by the artist or used with permission of its owner, may legitimately be used in the preparation of the work.
3          Paintings, drawings and other art works may be in any media approved by the committee.
4          Oil paintings on board or canvas need not be framed 
5          Watercolour must be mounted, but need not be framed
The Rules of the Alma Byng Trophy Competition
1                  The annual trophy with its cash prize is awarded to the artist deemed by the judges to have produced the best individual art work on show.

2                  The award may not be given to the same artist for a second or third consecutive year.
3                  Previous winners may enter paintings in categories other than the one in which they won          their prize.
4                  It is customary for the Committee to award certificates to the exhibitor of the work deemed         to be the best in each category other than the category from which the trophy winner was          chosen.
5                  The painting may be entered in any category of the member’s choice.  This is made known         to the hanging committee on entry
6                  The name of the artist must be suitably obscured.  It may be displayed after the awards       
                     have been made.
7                  All artwork is to be submitted to the hanging committee members between 5 and 5.45 p.m.         on the day of the exhibition. Judging between 6 and 7 pm. 

                    No late entries will be accepted.
8                  Viewing of the exhibits by the members commences at 7pm.
The categories are:
A                  Landscape
B                  Townscape or buildings
C                  People portraits life studies and groups
D                  Seascapes, boats and harbours
E                  Interiors
F                  Still life, flowers and botanical studies
G                  Animal life, Wild Life
H                  Abstract and experimental
I                    Miniatures
J                   Sculpture    (3-D sculpture in the round or in the flat, in any suitable medium.)
K                  Digital                    
MiniaturesThe Miniature Society of South Africa gives the following guidelines:
The dimensions of the work including the frame or mount must be no more than 170mm x170mm.
The subject must be no more than one sixth of life size (A human head would be 38 mm or less).
The “spirit” of a miniature should be intimate and delicate with fine brush strokes. The colour may be intense and vibrant. The signature should be neat and very small.

Digital Works:   This category covers original works which show artistic skill and creativity and are produced by the use of computers. Works in this category may be awarded the Best Digital Work Certificate but are not eligible for the Alma Byng trophy, as this art form was not envisaged in the Bequest.


Please support your Society by participating in the competition and enjoying some end of year fellowship.  We hope that some of the newer members will submit some work.