Friday, 5 December 2014

Alma Byng Competition

This year's Alma Byng competition was well supported with 31 members present and nine guests joining in.

There was a total of 78 entries (thanks for the support Club Members) and these were deemed of a high standard by the two guest judges, Annamarie Renaud and Lyn Northam.

Lyn Northam, caught in a reflective moment.


The overall winner this year was Ros Hoek - who also won the abstract prize.

Other winners were Ann Zwets, our FHAS Secretary, for her entries in animal life and for her miniature.

Doug James won the category for seascapes boats and harbours.


Clive Tyler (looking slightly bashful) won the prize for townscapes and buildings.

Tim Johnston won the portrait category.

And Marg White bagged the still life and flowers.

A rather overwhelmed Marg ... and with her beautiful hibiscus.

Once again, Di Breeze, penned the beautiful certificates in her impeccable calligraphy and Robert McAlpine provided this excellent photographic record.

We enjoyed wine and snacks and were delighted to have the chance of looking closely at all the entries.

Thanks Rob McAlpine for the pix!


Thursday, 13 November 2014


I am not sure what has happened to the past few months – they have just flown past.  But here we are again in November and planning our end of year activities.  Please see the calendar for details.

Past Events: 

The Christmas card making afternoon was great fun and some really pretty cards were the result.  The cards were donated to Nerina Gardens.

The outing to Little Stream was very well supported and everyone voted this venue as one of the best we have had this year. There is so much to inspire one there – trees, plants, running water and at the end of the morning a good cup of coffee and a slice of cake !

Sadly we have been unable to find a suitable venue for an exhibition thus far.  We are still looking and one never knows what might come up at the last moment.

In the meantime we are going to have another “Art in the Park” at the Garden of Remembrance in Fish Hoek some time in December.  As we will need to keep an eye on the weather it will have to be a Friday and Saturday when the wind is not howling.  You would only need to bring whatever artwork you would like to show, easels, a small table if needed, a chair and some refreshments, so a last minute expo shouldn’t be a problem.  We will keep you informed of the dates closer to the time but we are looking at the 12th and 13th of December.

The creative workshop on November 11th was fun though it took the few participants a while to get the hang of the exercise. The 'props' used included paper clips, crisps, chips, wool - proving that anything can inspire the creative mind.

The paint-out this month on Tuesday 18th November is at Die Oog in Bergvliet – address on the calendar.  If anyone would like a lift, or to follow us there, please give me a call on 021 782-6297 or 083 503 7269.

The most important event this month is the  ALMA BYNG COMPETITION  and end of year function on Wednesday 26th November at 7 pm.

Please support this evening.  New members – don’t be shy or intimidated at the thought of entering a competition – it’s something to work towards and even if you don’t win a category or the trophy it does give you a chance to show what you can do. Could all those attending Please bring a small plate of snacks.  The Society will provide wine and fruit juice.

The Rules of the Alma Byng Trophy Competition
1            The annual trophy with its cash prize is awarded to the artist deemed by the invited judges to have produced the best individual art work on show.

2            The award may not be given to the same artist for a second or third consecutive year.
3            Previous winners may enter paintings in categories other than the one in which they won their prize.
4            It is customary for the Committee to award certificates to the exhibitor of the work deemed to be the best in each category other than the category from which the trophy winner was chosen.
5            The painting may be entered in any category of the member’s choice.  This is made known to the hanging committee on entry
6            The name of the artist must be suitably obscured.  It may be displayed after the awards have been made.
7            All artwork is to be submitted to the hanging committee members between 4.00 and 5.30 p.m. on the day of the exhibition. No late entries will be accepted.  Viewing of the exhibits commences at 7pm.
The categories are:
A            Landscape
B            Townscape or buildings
C            People portraits life studies and groups
D            Seascapes, boats and harbours
E            Interiors
F            Still life, flowers and botanical studies
G            Animal life, Wild Life
H            Abstract and experimental
I            Miniatures
J            Sculpture    (3-D sculpture in the round or in the flat, in any suitable medium.)
K           Digital                    

Miniatures:  The Miniature Society of South Africa gives the following guidelines:
The dimensions of the work including the frame or mount must be no more than 170mm x170mm.
The subject must be no more than one sixth of life size (A human head would be 38 mm or less).
The “spirit” of a miniature should be intimate and delicate with fine brush strokes. The colour may be intense and vibrant. The signature should be neat and very small.

Digital Works:   This category covers original works which show artistic skill and creativity and are produced by the use of computers. Works in this category may be awarded the Best Digital Work Certificate but are not eligible for the Alma Byng trophy, as this art form was not envisaged in the Bequest. Some account of the method of its production will be helpful.
Franziska Bichlmaier who has worked tirelessly for the Society over the past few years is going back to Germany on Monday.  We would like to thank her for her efforts and wish her everything of the best.
Workshops – The second Tuesday afternoon of the month at 2 pm. Unless told otherwise, please supply your own materials and paints, etc.
Paint-outs –The third Tuesday morning of the month at 9.30 am
Evening Meetings – The 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm unless otherwise indicated in the newsletter. Workshops and monthly meetings are held at Nerina Gardens Hall, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek.
To reiterate - Fiona Nichols continues to put in a lot of work running the blog for us.  Please look at it from time to time as eventually it will replace a paper newsletter.  There are always quite a few art exhibitions, or art inspired events, going on in Cape Town.  For those who have access to internet “What’s on in Cape Town” is a good site to Google.


2 pm

9.30 am

7 pm



Fun afternoon using various object as ideas for quick sketches (think what you can do with cauliflower florets for instance)


Die Oog
Cnr Lakewood and Midwood Aves Bergvleit

Alma Byng Trophy



Christmas and holiday time



No workshop

Cape Point
A DVD will be shown

The last part of Karen Symmons flowers and Pamela Kay oils


John Strickland to run a workshop on wet into dry watercolour painting


Ohio Farm



Activities for March onwards to be confirmed in January 2015

Friday, 24 October 2014

October paint out

A glorious spring day - perfect for painting and ten members of FHAS were smart enough to make the short journey up to the Little Steam in Constantia.

Welcome to the two new members who joined in. Above Clive Tyler in a shady spot.

It is a delightful - and popular - spot and members settled down to enjoy the warm sunshine and gorgeous greenery.
Below Secretary Ann and President Cindy opt for a sunny position.
All photos by Alex Johnston.

Thursday, 4 September 2014


Longbeach Mall invited creative artists, especially those members of FHAS - to attend a week of exhibitions and on the spot painting.

Overcoming the usual reluctance to work in public, FHAS members valiantly put paint to paper (canvas) and showed interested shoppers what a varied range of subjects we are capable of.
Here are some candid shots taken by FHAS member, Robert McAlpine.


Thanks to FHAS members Robert McAlpine and Alex Johnston for the photo record.

The annual Hugh Murdoch trophy competition took place on the evening of 27th August and although the entrants were fewer than hoped, it proved an interesting evening.

Among the competitors illustrating the theme, WINDOWS, were some artists with unusual ideas - and that always catches the eye.

The winners were:
First prize and Trophy: Sue Green with a pastel entry.

Second place: Rodney Sleep, with an oil painting framed in a window.

Third place: Alex Johnston, with a watercolour of professional window cleaners.


Chairman Cindy, and fellow committee members, Franziska and Alex.

Teatime before the final results.

Chairman Cindy congratulates the winner of thrid place, Rodney.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

60th Anniversary in LBM

Currently FHAS is exhibiting works and painting at Long Beach Mall in conjunction with their arts and crafts exhibition.
BUT it is also the year of the 60th anniversary of Fish Hoek Art Society and we hope that our work will make an impact on the community.
We look forward to seeing you there. It is open till Saturday.
Pictures to come.


It's time for the annual HUGH MURDOCH drawing competition. You know the rules by now and we look forward to seeing your work.
Watch this space for photos of the best drawings this year.

Friday, 25 July 2014

July Evening Meet

It was a chilly evening for attendees of the monthly evening meeting on 23rd July but we elected to show a DVD and were pleased that 14 members came along to see the Karen Simmons film of flower painting. 
John Strickland organized the showing of work by this talented artist and the members were all delighted at her use of colour and the reality of her paintings, especially those watercolours done in a garden.
As you probably know, the FHAS has a collection of DVDs to lend out and there are also a fair number of art books and magazines that can be rented out for the small sum of R5 per copy which entitles you to a whole month’s usage. Plenty of time to pick up some valuable tips!

The library is open to members at every meeting. 

Chairperson Cindy, enthuses about the talents of the evening's featured artist.

Pictures taken by Rob McAlpine, with thanks from FHAS.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

July paint out

It was a wonderfully sunny day and very welcome. We were invited to a paint out at Ann Zwet's house up on the hillside overlooking Fish Hoek. The views of the bay were, as ever, sweeping and Di Breeze did it justice with a pen and wash.
The garden was punctuated with flashes of colour as the aloes were in flower. This intrigued some of the six artists who joined the paint out and they made themselves at home wherever they found inspiration.
Thank you Ann. It was much enjoyed.

Di's view from the front of the house towards Helderberg.

Below, comfortable among the plants for a bit of sketching.

Sue Green brought her pastels and captures some of the garden's beautiful plants.

John Strickland opted to remain inside and produced a delightful interior.