was a chilly evening for attendees of the monthly evening meeting on 23rd
July but we elected to show a DVD and were pleased that 14 members came along
to see the Karen Simmons film of flower painting.
John Strickland organized the showing of
work by this talented artist and the members were all delighted at her use of
colour and the reality of her paintings, especially those watercolours done in a garden.
As you probably know, the FHAS has a collection of DVDs to lend out and there are also a fair number of art books and magazines that can be rented out for the small sum of R5 per copy which entitles you to a whole month’s usage. Plenty of time to pick up some valuable tips!
The library is open to members at every meeting.
Chairperson Cindy, enthuses about the talents of the evening's featured artist.
Pictures taken by Rob McAlpine, with thanks from FHAS.