Monday, 23 February 2015

2015 is well under way

Another year has come and gone and here we are at the beginning of a new one.  We hope that you all have a wonderful 2015 – happy, healthy and safe. Now that the “Silly Season” is over we can all get back to normal and, for those who haven’t picked up a paintbrush or pencil in weeks, start producing fabulous works of art again.

During January our thoughts inevitably turn to the AGM which is scheduled for the fourth Wednesday in February (25th). The present committee is standing down to give members the opportunity to nominate people whom they would like to see elected, and who they can CONFIRM have AGREED to stand, if elected. This means that anyone, including the past committee, is eligible for election and it is hoped that this will encourage members with new ideas and enthusiasm to come forward. A nomination paper is at the end of the newsletter and should be handed to a member of committee on or before the evening of the 25th February.

The AGM evening will start with a talk from Jackie Clayton on “The Glories of Florence”. Many of your have heard Jackie speak before and know how very enjoyable her talks are. Definitely not to be missed.

After tea, during which time the nominations will have been sorted, the meeting will continue with the AGM and election of the new committee. We are hopeful that as many members as possible will attend and support the Society.

There was a disappointingly poor turnout for the mini exhibition we held at the Garden of Remembrance in December.  The Friday was, in all honesty, not the nicest day to put up paintings outdoors but most of us braved the chilly and strong wind until lunchtime and Alex Johnston managed to sell three paintings that day in spite of the weather.  Saturday was a good day weather-wise, but again, very few of you either came to visit or put up art work. Di Breeze, always a stalwart, sold five of her beautiful pen and wash paintings.  The selling however, while hugely satisfying, is not the main purpose of an exhibition, which is to get together with people of a like mind and be given the opportunity showcase one’s work.

Please - it is your Society: it is 60 years old: we want to keep it going and improving so it is up to every member, where possible to support it.

Friendly Reminder that your subs are due by the end of this month

We are keeping the subs at R 100 for this year and will discuss an increase at the AGM.  The Society tries hard to find interesting speakers, and experienced artists, to run workshops and do demos.  There is a wide variety of talks and workshops being offered for the rest of the year so please come along, bring a friend or two and enjoy some interesting hours with others who share the same interest.  We also have a wide variety of books and DVDs that you can borrow at the end of each monthly meeting.

If possible make an EFT deposit – banking details below – or cash to our Treasurer at any of our events.

Fish Hoek Art Society
Standard Bank – Fish Hoek
Branch code:  036 009
Account no: 072 099 127

The Alma Byng Trophy Competition was very well attended and the lively atmosphere and friendly chatting going on before and after the judging was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.  Thank you to all the members who exhibited, and attended. You made the evening the success it was.

Here are the winners with their artwork.  Well done to you all.
Abstract                                    Roz Hoek

Buildings                                  Clive Tyler

Wildlife animals and birds        Ann Zwets (see photo below)

Flowers                                    Margi White

Portraits/people                       Tim Johnson

Seascapes                               Doug James
Landscapes                             Roz Hoek
Miniatures                                Ann Zwets

Winner of the Alma Byng Trophy – Roz Hoek

 As usual, Di Breeze provided the wonderful hand written certificates.

We are working on the events calendar and attached is what has been planned up to the end of March.  There are several interesting events in the pipeline after that but they have to be confirmed and we will let you have details as soon as we have them.

Franziska, our hard working events coordinator, has returned to Germany.  We shall miss her, and we wish her all the best in her new life.


Constantiaberg Art Society will be holding its Summer Exhibition in the Sanlam Hall at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens from Friday 16 January until Sunday 25 January between 9.30 am and 5.30 pm.

You are welcome to go and join them at this wonderful venue and see what talented local artists have created. Entrance is free but the usual Kirstenbosch entrance fee applies. Remember Tuesdays are free for pensioners.



Paint outs

Evening Meetings


John Strickland to run a workshop on wet into dry watercolor painting


Ohio Farm

(John Strickland)



Jackie Clayton on
“The Glories of Florence"


Morag Noffke
Art as a healer
021 761-8264


(John  Strickland)


Cyril Coetzee



Christine Scheid
Image making in black and white

Please note that the dates for events are the same as in previous years i.e.

Workshops              2nd Tuesday of the month at 2 pm
Paint Outs               3rd Tuesday of the month at 9.30 am
Evening meetings  4th Wednesday of the month at 7 pm

A BIG thank you to ROBERT McALPINE for his photos.