Sunday, 14 August 2016

Ray Potter demonstrates

Apologies as this is out of sequence and without photos.
Local artist Ray Potter gave FHAS a great evening. This popular and talented artist has always been a good supporter of FHAS and his demonstrations are always very popular.  
Wednesday, late July, was no exception. We had a wonderful attendance with 19 members and 4 guests. The evening began with the usual critique and Alex was brave enough to present her picture for this.  After many suggestions from the floor of how it may be improved, Raystepped in giving his comments and suggestions.  
The subsequent demonstration began with Ray developing his already-prepared sketch into the most impressive picture. It featured Table Mountain in the background with a lovely compositon of rocks and people in the middle ground, and  a very soft beach to finish.
At tea, later, everyone was most complimentary about his work, many taking  notes on the useful hints he imparted during the evening. 

Many thanks Ray.

Karen Davel wakes us up to new techniques

This month we had a very successful workshop by Karen Davel, one of the newer members to FHAS. New to Fish Hoek, perhaps, but hardly a newcomer to art, as Karen has been teaching elsewhere in the country for years.

We were all way out of our comfort zone and encouraged to be bold, inventive and creative.   Karen demonstrated lots of techniques in various mediums and encouraged us to "go for it". 

She provided lots of flower arrangements (fresh and dried) to give us inspiration and to help with colour ideas.  It was a messy but enjoyable afternoon with 11 members attending.

Picture and text courtesy of Alex Johnston.