Saturday, 26 November 2016

Alma Byng and the end of the year party


We had a lovely evening this week with  and a big thank you to those who participated, entered their artwork and provided the delicious snacks. There were some 40 members and guests present. 

Di Breeze once again wrote out the beautiful certificates.  

And our judges, Elva Palombo and Pauline Fine, did a great job and gave the event their full attention.

Here are the results:

Landscapes                 Bob Dutton

Seascapes                    Marcelle Spinks

Buildings                     David Parry

Still Life                      Fiona Nichols
Portraits                       Fiona Nichols

Animal studies            Els Dorrat

Abstract                      Maureen Copely

Miniatures                   Lorraine England
There was only one entry the “Interior” category no prize was given although an honourable mention was made of the work.

Maureen Copely won the Alma Byng Shield and a monetary prize of R750.  Well done Maureen.

This was our last event of the year.  We will be showing an interesting DVD on the 24th of January 2017 and we hope to see you all at that event.

From our Chairman Clive Tyler up in Johannesburg, Vice Chairman Alex Johnston in the UK, and the Committee - we wish you joy and happiness over the Festive Season.  Be safe.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Ohio Farm Paint Out

It's those alpacas!

When you are asked where the paint out is, the reply is Ohio Farm, where the alpacas live. And indeed they do in this green corner of Nordhoek. But most of the artists tackle the trees, the house and the pond leaving the alpacas in peace!


Some artists were slower off the start than others: news first.

But soon the 13 painters were spread out amid the oaks, under their leaves and out of the warm sun. 'First day that it feels like summer,' was John Strickland's comment, and how right he was.



Dorothy did her painting in comfort. Di Breeze got down to the nitty and produced a number of excellent watercolour and pen sketches, her forté.


Marcelle stood for the whole time while a small group of ladies painted on the ground, in near silence.


Everyone agreed that the morning was wonderful and even if we didn't get as much work done as we would have wished, Ohio Farm is very special. Alpacas or not!

Pix by Rob and Fiona

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

LIFE DRAWING Tuesday Workshop

13 members turned out on Tuesday to attend the Life Drawing workshop.
We were privileged to welcome Thola for the first time to the group and
through a series of short sketches and a few longer poses,
we were able to draw this young lady.

Thola proved to be a willing and excellent model, holding her poses and offering us
a whole range of challenges through different clothing and positions.

Thanks Rob McAlpine for the photos.

Friday, 4 November 2016

November newsletter

We enjoyed a very special talk by our own swallow – Fiona Nichols - on the subject of


Using many slides of works by good artists (world-wide), she showed how even the finest of detail such as strands of hair is illustrated.  Wonderful darks and richness of colour are possible.

It would seem that an incoming ‘fad’ is drawing and painting with pencils.  It is popular because of not having to have lots of equipment such as easels, tins of turps, mediums, palettes, etc. Once you have a set of good pencils and some good paper, you are set to go!  No fuss!
Painting a picture takes time and much patience is called for. Fiona has taken more than thirty hours to complete a picture. 

Starting with underpainting with watercolour is an option. Good heavyweight papers are a must, because of the amount of work to be done on the surface.  She may also use white spirit between layers so thereby ‘fusing’ the pigments, (to assist the binding of the granules to the paper) and perhaps ‘blending the colours’ too.
A very rich finish is gained by layering colour over colour, thereby gaining that lovely luminosity and glow. A gloss is gained by burnishing, with a teaspoon for example.  Several brands are available eg. Prismacolour, Caran’d’Arche. Some are water soluble and others are wax or even oil based.
A good ‘battery operated pencil sharpener’ is essential - this gives a very sharp point - so important for detail. Also not wasting and breaking off too much of the delicate soft tip of the coloured ‘lead’.
There are several good books available on the Internet, as are the most explicit demonstrations of this form of art.  You just dial COLOURED PENCIL ART and away you go!

Thank you Fiona for a great demo.

P.S.  Kindly return ALL library books, DVD’s and mags. at the November meeting.
1.       Tues. 11th. November  Workshop: Fiona Nichols will conduct a Life Drawing afternoon with a wonderful model.  Bring own paints, pencils, paper, etc
2.       Tues. 15th November  -  Paint Out:  Ohio Farm, Noordhoek. Please meet punctually at farm Gate – 9.45am.  Bring own materials, chair, sunscreen and ‘thermos’.        Details: John Strickland – 021 782 7337.
3.       Wednesday 23rd November.  Evening Meeting:  Alma Byng Competition.  See below for rules.  Members to please bring a plate of ‘foodies’ to share

We wish Members a wonderful Christmastide.
 The first meeting in the New Year is on the
 25th January, 2017.  Details to follow.

23rd November, 2016
 This comes as the last meeting of our calendar Year, and the Competition is for all Members to enter works of art in a choice of categories.
A       Landscape
B       Townscape or buildings
C       People, portraits, life studies and groups
D       Seascapes, boats and harbours
E        Interiors
F        Still life, flowers and botanical studies
G       Animal life, Wild Life
H       Abstract and experimental
I         Miniatures
J        Sculpture    (3-D sculpture in the round or in the flat, in any suitable medium.)
K       Digital              

Digital Works:   This category covers original works which show artistic skill and creativity and are produced by the use of computers. Works in this category may be awarded the Best Digital Work Certificate but are not eligible for the Alma Byng trophy, as this art form was not envisaged in the Bequest.

Any queries:  Kindly call one of the Committee. We really want to make this a fun occasion and invite you to ‘give it a go’ and enter a few of your year’s efforts. Certificates of merit will also be presented.

RULES for the Alma Byng Competition  -  23 November, 2016

On the evening of the Competition, all Artwork must be brought to the Recreation Hall, Nerina Retirement Home between 17.00 and 17.30.  Judging will start immediately thereafter. Please bring easels, etc. so as to display your work effectively. Participants and guests should return to the hall at 19.00 for the viewing and prize-giving.
 The Trophy is awarded to the Exhibitor deemed to be the best on show but may not be awarded to the same person for a second year  in succession. In addition to the trophy, a cash prize, roughly equal to the annual interest earned on the bequest -an amount invested specifically for this award. This amount may not be split between two or more winners.

The Committee also awards Certificates for works judged to be the best in specific categories including the category from which the winner is chosen.

This Competition is open to all Members. Two external judges are appointed to evaluate the entries. No more than three entries, d painted within the last year,  are permitted. Entries may be in any  category, and all may be entered in a single category if desired.

Plagiarism. Remember, the rules are strict with regard to the copying of other artist’s artworks or photographs.    Plagiarism is theft.     We recognise originality. Straight copies will be disqualified.

The Rules of the Alma Byng Trophy Competition
1          The annual trophy with its cash prize is awarded to the artist deemed by the judges to have produced the best individual art work on show.

2          The award may not be given to the same artist for a second or third consecutive year.
3          Previous winners may enter paintings in categories other than the one in which they won their prize.
4          It is customary for the Committee to award certificates to the exhibitor of the work deemed to be the best in each category other than the category from which the trophy winner was chosen.
5          The painting may be entered in any category of the member’s choice.  This is made known to the hanging committee on entry
6          The name of the artist must be suitably obscured.  It may be displayed after the awards have been made.
7          All artwork is to be submitted to the hanging committee members between 5 and 5.45 p.m. on the day of the exhibition. Judging between 6 and 7 pm. No late entries will be accepted.
8          Viewing of the exhibits by the members commences at 7pm.

(Late entries will not be accepted).

General Rules for all competitions
1               Works presented must be original and not have been on exhibition before.  Names to be covered.
2                If a painting is indebted to the work of another artist, suitable credit must be given and there should be sufficient evidence of creativity in the new work for it to be judged in its own right as an original.  A Photograph owned by the artist or used with permission of its owner, may legitimately be used in the preparation of the work.
3               Paintings, drawings and other art works may be in any media approved by the committee.
4              Oil paintings on board or canvas need not be framed. Please provide your own easels
5             Watercolour must be mounted, but need not be framed

Workshops – Second Tuesday of month. 14.00. Nerina Gardens, .Recreation Road.   Unless told otherwise, please supply your own materials and paints, etc.

 Paint-outs –Third Tuesday morning.  See Newsletter for details of Venues, etc. Usually meeting at the Civic centre at 9.30am., and travelling in groups from there.

Evening Meetings – The fourth Wednesday evening of the month at 19:00. Recreation Hall, Nerina Gardens Retirement Home, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek.

NO MEETINGS IN DECEMBER.  January details:  to come early in the Month.

Postal address for undelivered mail and for correspondence:
PO Box 37679, Valyland, 7978.

Subcriptions are due at the beginning of January 2017 and remain
at R140.00. Fees may be paid at the meeting.
Cheques payable to Fish Hoek Art Society,
P.O.Box 37679, Valyland, 7978.
Cash transfers to Fish Hoek Art Society at
Standard Bank, A/c 072099127, Code 036009.

Two examples of this wonderful art form (Pencil Art).  Superb fine details are possible.  Note the fine hair LINES in each  picture.
Something New  - A BULLETIN BOARD.

A’platform’ in which Members may participate: 

(A sort of shop window in which skills, or courses or products, etc. you wish to publicise will be briefly mentioned IN OUR NEWSLETTER).

If you have something to share, then kindly call me, and I shall insert it in the next issue.

   Details to John Strickland.   E-mail:


Eg. 1.) 10% discount for Art Goods bought at The WRITE SHOP.
        Long Beach and Tokai. (Minimum purchase total R200.00 .

2.) 10% discount for Art Goods bought at the DECKLE EDGE.

Members must produce their Membership card.