Fish Hoek Art Society held its annual Alma Byng trophy evening - the major event of its artistic year - on Wednesday 28th November.
18 members brought works to display and they were joined by some spouses and friends. It was nice to see some members again – and ex-members – whom we have not seen for a while. This year a record number of works - eighty! - were submitted for consideration. It is interesting to see which categories were popular.
Landscapes 13
Towns buildings 3
Portraits etc 8
Seascapes 7
Flowers / Still life 20
Animals etc 13
Abstract 5
Mini pix 11
Our judge was Angela van Lienden, ably assisted by two artist friends. Her task was to evaluate and nominate a winner in each category and then share information as to why the winner had been selected. From these winners an overall winner was chosen and awarded the Alma Byng Trophy.
Angela admitted that in some cases the choice was difficult - and judging opinions differed -
but a winner was chosen in each of the nominated categories. Digital and Interiors had no entrants.
Angela, centre, and fellow judges pose behind some of the winning entries.
John Strickland very ably organised the display of entries, and collected the winning works one those winners were revealed.
Di Breeze, once more, kindly wrote out the winning certificates with her careful and beautiful calligraphy.
And the winner was... Karin Davel - who also won the categories of Landscape, and Still-life. She takes home the Alma Byng trophy and a cheque.
See her winning works below.
Usually popular, the category Seascapes, was won by Val Parry - her oil painting of Fish Hoek beach of a misty morning.
Committee member, three category winner and chief bar-lady, Cynthia poured the juice and wine for everyone after the winners had received their certificates and the party started.
Thanks to all the organisers who made this a fun evening and especially Ann and John who, aided by Cynthia and Maureen, were responsible for the success of the occasion.
We hope to see all you fellow artists again soon, and more often, in 2019.
Please note that the subs for 2019 are due at the beginning of the year and we are pleased to confirm that there is no rise in subscription – it is still only R120 annual membership.
Meanwhile all the committee at Fish Hoek Art Society wish you, fellow artists, a very Happy Christmas and may 2019 bring health, peace and plenty of artistic inspiration.