Wednesday, 31 October 2018

DVD evening

Painting watercolour with big brushes? 5cm-wide brushes?

This was the fascinating approach that we learned from American artist, Sterling Edwards, during a short but entertaining DVD that John S kindly brought to us at the FHAS meeting.

A dozen members and friends attended the meeting and were amazed at the versatility of this artist who doesn't do detail with small brushes. He uses a more sophisticated (ie softer) version of brushes you can buy at Builder's Warehouse or Mica!

It was food for thought!

Look him up on the web. He has his own site:

John also brought along some examples of mini-painting that he has been working on. They are more or less conform to the international standard for miniature paintings in size, but are slightly larger - and indeed these were impressive, being both colourful and detailed without being slavish to detail.

He is suggesting we have a mini-painting competition to coincide with the AGM in early 2019.
John demonstrated the range of supports and framing material that could complement these small paintings (around the size of a playing card).

Again, food for thought!

Thanks Rob for the photos. Not bad for a cellphone under such low lighting!

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Paint out - Noordhoek Garden Emporium

Good coffee, a variety of plants, plenty of interesting pots and some sexy sculpture: Fish Hoek Art Society members enjoyed their morning paint out at the Garden Emporium this last week.

We all agree that garden centre venues do provide a great range of themes for sketching - especially as there is a good café just behind the plants - and we don't want to travel too far.

So, whilst some chatted over charcoal and pencils, others - like Frances - got right down to work!


Thanks for the photos, Rob McAlpine.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Karin Davel's workshop

Twelve members and two guests attended this week's workshop in wonderful spring-like weather.

It was nigh windless!

We were lucky to have Karin Davel - a semi-retired high school art teacher and a very gifted all-round artist - come and show us colour mixing using pairs of colours (see below). From these pairs we noted a wide range of browns and greys, and with water were able to vary their intensity. 

Useful and interesting.

Karin had brought an unusual subject for us to practice on: teddy bears!

Without thinking detail (a bit like painting when you have taken your glasses off!) Karin suggested we painted her big teddy with circles and ovals, and using some of the colour mixes we had previously created. 

Karin is articulate and well versed in so many different aspects of art that it was a privilege to have  her spend time with us.

Thanks Rob McAlpine and Maureen Copley for the photos.

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Events coming up

Good morning members

While the participation from members at the Garden Show was poor we did have good exposure, many people taking flyers about the Society.  Thanks to the committee members for their time to set up, display paintings and be at our stand for the morning.

We only have two months left of this year's activities - calendar below - and I do ask that you come to as many of them as possible.  Karin Davel's workshop next Tuesday should be very interesting and fun (hopefully there won't be any memorial services in the Hall!!).  Our DVD evenings are always very informative and the film that is going to be shown should titillate your creative juices.

The Alma Byng competition is the most important one of the year in that there is a substantial prize involved and gives our members an opportunity to show off their work and enjoy an evening of arty fellowship.  We would really like to see some more paintings done by our newer members.  There are several categories to choose from and you can enter a painting in one or all if you wish to.  Please don't be shy - every work has its charm and merit.  To make the evening fun please come in fun headgear - a prize for the most inventive/colourful.  We will supply wine and fruit juice but ask you all to please bring a small plate of snacks with you.

I will be forwarding an e-mail that I have received about an offer to show and sell paintings.  It is a very good opportunity for us to sell our work.

Thank you Fiona for all the news and interesting articles you put in the blog - no mean feat as you are often travelling.


2nd Tuesday 2 pm

Paint outs
3rd Tues 9.30 am 

4th Wednesday
7 pm



Karin Davel


Cape Dutch Nursery

DVD evening



Christmas card

Chart Farm