As our acting Chair Person reported:
We had a wonderful evening on Wednesday with 62 paintings entered into the Alma Byng competition and a lively and appreciative audience.
It was special to have Alma’s daughter, Barbara Hutchinson, to speak to us about her late mother and to tell us how important the Society had been to her.
It was also a pleasure to have Ray Potter judge the works as he is a very experienced artist with a discerning eye.
A big thank you to Sue for dealing with all the paperwork necessary for the smooth running of the competition, and to Di who once again produced the beautifully penned certificates.
Thanks to all those who brought the snacks.
Thanks to all those who brought the snacks.
Here are the winners of each category and the winner of the Alma Byng Trophy:
Landscapes Karin Davel
People, portraits
Life Studies and
Groups Karin Davel
Buildings John Strickland
Seascapes, Boats
Harbours David Parry
Still Life, flowers
Botanical studies Els Dorat
Animal, wildlife Cynthia Fletcher
Experimental Frances Johnson
Sadly there were no entries for Miniatures, and too few in the Interior category to judge.
The Alma Byng Trophy was won by DAVID PARRY for his moody and dramatic seascape.
Well done to you all.
Thank you Rob for the photos!
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