Jacqui’s Framery, Main Rd, FH, tel: 021 782 7324
John Steer, Silverglades, tel: 0832631798
Frame 4 U, Marlene, tel: 082749652
Art Supplies: The Write Shoppe, Long Beach Mall, tel: 021 785 7614
The Deckle Edge, www.deckleedge.co.za,
Brickfield Road, Salt River, tel: 021 180 4442
The Italian Artshop: www.italianartshop.co.za tel: 021 685 1877
Riverside Mall, Rondebosch
Artsauce, 62 Roeland St, Gardens, www.artsauce.co.za tel: 021 461 0885
Addictedtoart: online art supplies: addictedtoart.co.za
Art Assist, specialized printing, artassist@cybersmart.co.za,
tel: 082 257 4896
Lam it All, repro printing cards etc lamitall@vodamail.co.za.
Recreation Rd, FH, tel: 021 782 7397
Websites to see art works:
For pastel work: pastel artists UK
Watercolours: watercolor collection (US artists)
watercolours UK, also https://www.royalwatercoloursociety.co.uk
general art: artists and illustrators magazine
coloured pencil: UK coloured pencil society also www.ukcps.org.uk
South African Society of Artists: SASA, sasa-artists.co.za
If anyone has other useful contacts, please send them in for inclusion.
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